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We also buy

CD collections & Memorabilia

Here at

we are also looking to buy good quality CD collections! Some of the genres that we are looking for include Rock, Hip Hop, Reggae, Jazz, Blues, Metal, Alternative, Pop, Experimental, Folk, Psych and High Fidelity CD pressings.


CD's and inserts need to be in Near Mint Condition.
















We also purchase some music memorabilia.


We are particularly interested in early Music Magazines like Australia's Go-Set Magazine.


If you have a collection of Go-set magazines that you are looking to sell then please give us a call.


Also interested in any early Australian Memorabilia such as vintage festival tickets, old vintage posters and even good quality vintage band t-shirts


For all enquiries please call Mick on 0415 640 520





Great CD Collection - Best Records
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119a Johnston Street Collingwood Opening Hours - Tues 11am - 5pm Wed - Sun 11am - 6pm
Best prices paid in Melbourne for 2nd Hand Records!
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